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Privacy Policy


Inked Green Designs takes your privacy very seriously.

This policy lays out what data we hold, how we use it, how our partners use it, how long we hold your data for, how it is protected and how you can request to change or delete this data.


What data do we hold & how is this protected?

Inked Green Designs uses email to gather data. The email data that we hold includes your name, telephone, and email address, along with dates of your event, this data can be collated via our contact form and order form online. This data is protected by password and only accessible by staff who are required to use it for purposes of design and accounts.

The data held in our database can include your address, guests address, and further details regarding your wedding/event.


How can you change or remove your data?

You can make this request by email at any time.


How we use your data & how we share it with partners

Your data is used to create your stationery. Depending on the method of print that you choose, the data that is relevant to printing your stationery, can be shared with our print partners. Inked Green Designs has ensured that out print partners also have up to date privacy policies.

We may use your completed stationery to showcase online on our website, social media and at events where we showcase our stationery. When used online we endeavor to ensure this does not show full details of your event and you may ask for this to be not be used or removed at any time.

Your printed stationery may be used in sample packs. We do not include RSVPs with addresses or any invitations or details sheets that include private data such as addresses, email addresses and wedding websites.


How long do we hold your data for?

Inked Green Designs holds your personal data up to the date of your event at which point it is archived.

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